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From the author: This article is much shorter than you think. In it I will answer you why you need to see a psychologist. As many as 2 times.1. In order to change your attitude towards yourself. Along with this, your attitude towards others and your behavior pattern will change. For example: - You will stop depending on other people’s opinions (because now you have a good opinion of yourself), now you can interact with people without fear of criticism. - You will stop being ashamed of what you don’t need to be ashamed of. For example, your natural needs. Now you are not ashamed in front of the girl you were afraid to meet, because you like her and because you want her. Now you are not afraid of reproaches, because you have a good opinion of yourself. - You will get rid of the feeling of guilt, which has absolutely no use, but only harm. Now you don’t have to make excuses for your behavior to others. Even if you stepped on someone’s foot, then you just need to apologize, and not scold yourself as before, analyzing how you made such a mistake. Your relationship with your parents will also change, you will no longer “bend” to their whims (if this happened before) and you will no longer feel guilty if you had to refuse them something. - You will stop being offended and picking on people’s brains, explaining that they are wrong. Instead, you will begin to draw conclusions about people and put a distance with them. 2. In order to change your behavior to be more effective. Working with a psychologist can be aimed not only at working with internal experiences, but also at changing behavior patterns. Do you constantly scold your children because they don't obey? Or maybe it’s the other way around, they don’t listen to you because you constantly scold them? Or maybe you “don’t hear” your children’s needs and they express them in an aggressive manner? Or are your children offended by you for something? Or maybe your child has completely lost faith in his own abilities and cannot understand what you want from him, because you are constantly dissatisfied with him? In this case, you will have to stop criticizing for a long time and start praising your child. Are you nagging your husband because he doesn't hear you? Or is it the other way around? You constantly nag him, killing his desire to do something for you... By understanding the reason for the behavior of other people, you can change your behavior to a more effective one. So, why do you need to contact a psychologist? My answer in one sentence: IN ORDER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
