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Where does the strength go and why is there not enough of it? The brain produces the same amount of electrical energy every day and distributes it to all organs in the form of nerve impulses. These impulses are spent on muscle contraction and mental activity. But for some reason, one day there is a lot of energy, and on another there is none at all. Most of the energy is spent on mental activity, that is, on the psyche. Every day we are puzzled by a bunch of different thoughts about what should we do, what do we want. We imagine and plan. We solve various problems related to work, everyday life and social contacts. But even this does not take as much energy as is spent on the unconscious. Part of this work is very interesting - the unconscious helps us reduce many actions to automation and builds very complex plans to lead us to a bright future. But there is also a shadow side that steals most of the resources. In this area of ​​the psyche, energy is spent on maintaining the protective mechanisms of the psyche and overcoming anxieties, limiting beliefs, and resistance. The more unprocessed psychological traumas, the more it is necessary to strengthen the defense. And if new unpleasant events occur, then the protection needs to be strengthened many times stronger. And we are also faced with something that is vitally necessary to do, but has been forbidden since childhood. Let's say, earn a lot of money or change your unloved job. In this case, you have to wade through serious obstacles in the form of limiting beliefs and behavior patterns. To overcome these obstacles, a lot of strength is required. And you also have to do something under coercion, and this is not always external coercion, more often it is internal MUST, MUST, OBLIGED. In this case, wild resistance arises to what we MUST and we still need strength to overcome this resistance. With the help of psychotherapy, we can remove everything that steals resources. It’s nice to see how after the session the client exhales a sigh of relief and a smile blooms on his face. And after a successful course of psychotherapy, you can see how the former client becomes more successful, active and cheerful.
