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From the author: Reflections on the Taoist understanding of the principles of healthy relationships between people How do you feel about me, dear readers? Realizing the depth of meaning of the word “relationship” changed my understanding of communications between people, in particular, between men and women. What is the meaning of the word "attitude"? This is the connection between objects, phenomena and people. At least that's how dictionaries interpret it. The hidden meaning of this phenomenon was revealed to me when one of my friends described her perception of a unique person - Tao Master Ji Xiaogang: “This is a person who does not see men or women, he sees energy!” I thought that attitude is a state when a person “relates”, that is, directs his sensory analyzer towards another person. “Relate” is from the word “carry,” that is, “to move in space.” Consequently, “attitude” is the movement of part of one’s energy-information field towards the individual of interest in order to recognize his uniqueness. Then a new question arises: how to recognize another individuality? Most people are accustomed to perceiving the phenomenon of attitude as an evaluation process. Often the attitude is formed according to the principle “good - bad”; in the best case, if the assessment occurs at a high level of awareness, an emotional response “I like it - I don’t like it” arises. In the context of our reflection, this means that the field was not transferred to the individual, it remained within the boundaries of our essence, and that very “relationship” as the transfer of energy and activation of the sensory apparatus did not take place. The attitude begins with liberation from the need for subjective assessment, with the understanding that “good” and “bad” are extremely subjective and relative. The real attitude is high energy-informational sensitivity, that is, awareness of what shades of emotions we feel in the field of the individual we are interested in, what we feel when our field comes into contact with another field. And most importantly: attitude - when your sensory apparatus is able to “scan” the information of an individual. But this is already aerobatics, or rather, a natural skill that has been lost almost completely. How do Tao masters manage to perceive people at the energy level? To answer this question, I will tell you about one aspect of ancient Chinese science, which causes a lot of heated discussions. Followers of Taoist teaching believe that each of the five main dense Yin organs corresponds to a specific emotion. And by the degree of manifestation of this emotion one can judge the energy imbalance in the corresponding organ. Pairs of organs and emotions are formed as follows: liver - anger, heart - joy, lungs - sadness, sadness, kidneys - fear. Controversy arose over the fifth dense organ, the spleen. Most translations into Russian suggest the correlative "thought", but my mentor, Master Ji, a practicing healer with many years of experience, possessing unique knowledge and abilities, claims that the more accurate equivalent of the character si is "doubt". According to an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, it is the patient’s excessive, painful doubts that give him reason to assume that the spleen channel needs energetic support. Substantiating the traditional Chinese view, the Master emphasized that each emotion is a feature of a person’s character. And if we are to maintain absolute accuracy in the transmission of Chinese ancient knowledge, then we should identify five characters: angry (possibly bilious, since the liver is connected to the gallbladder), cheerful, insecure and suspicious, sad and sorrowful, cowardly. Master Ji, relying on its sensitivity to shades of meaning and to correspondences between Russian words and Chinese characters, argues that the Chinese tradition does not consider the tendency to think as a basic character. Thoughts can be a consequence of sadness and fear, they can accompany a state of joy. And in general, thinking as a thought process -!
