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From the author: The article was written based on a psychoanalytic approach, but the author implies the consistency and value of other approaches to working with a person’s thinking. A person searching online for an answer to a pressing question will sooner or later come across near-psychological texts and videos about how thinking “bad thoughts” supposedly programs him for failure, exhausts him, etc., while “right” thoughts materialize happiness and wealth. In fact, such a person, provided that he believes this opus, receives the following: 1) refusal of a direct answer to his question, because of which his anxiety will automatically increase (although it is not a fact that it will become conscious); 2) a feeling of guilt for the “bad thoughts” with which he allegedly attracted all his problems to himself; 3) an attitude towards paranoid functioning of consciousness: you cannot be spontaneous and think about what worries you, you need to take maximum care of yourself and “expel from consciousness” everything that concerns you problems; 4) as a consequence of point 3 - an increase in tension, since the entire root of the problem and the feelings associated with it begin to be more carefully retained in the unconscious, which is reflected in physical well-being through the gradual accumulation of symptoms; 5) deception (the real one), that someone - for example, a psychologist who wrote a text about harmful thoughts knows better what you should think correctly, and will tell you about it for a lot of money. What is really happening? 1) Your thought is the result of a synthesis of your feelings and sensations with preliminary experience. Consequently, its analysis allows us to better understand these very feelings and sensations and clarify the experience. And then - to understand their nature and the authenticity of the conclusion contained in the thought. 2) Your thought is the result of thinking of a certain type and level. Throughout life, a person develops the ability to think. Some thoughts that may “suddenly” come to you and seem strange or bring suffering may come from childhood thinking - more emotional, superficial and integral. But if the same premises of thought are considered in a different form and level of thinking - the conclusion, i.e. the final thought will be different. 3) Your thought is only the conscious side of your thinking, transformed into a speech construction. In fact, it contains a lot of unconscious premises and motives that connect the semantic part with the emotional part. 4) Your thought, whatever it may be, arose as a realization of the function of reducing existing or predicted suffering. That is, the thought “I will always only have unsuccessful relationships with men” actually weakens the fear of such failure, as if you already know that everything will be bad and thus you are somewhat calmer. 5) Not everything that comes to your mind is actually a thought. Sometimes a thought is “masked” as a memory of someone’s authoritative phrase for you, someone’s opinion, a text from a book or movie. You have accepted such a position as an axiom without checking its authenticity, and its content can bring suffering. Therefore, all thoughts, especially those that seem “bad,” are very important to think! That is, to test for effectiveness, for adequacy of reality, for compliance with your essence, your desires. Stopping their thinking by prohibiting yourself or by “cluttering” your consciousness with something else will result in you only delaying the process of resolving the situation, if not aggravating it. Returning to the initial premises, to the essence, will allow you to change your thought for real, in a full understanding of its realism and adequacy, and not “falsely” - by memorizing something that does not correlate with your feelings. And only as an assistant in learning different facets, prerequisites, origins of some similar thoughts, a psychologist may be useful to you.© Velikodnaya Maryana Sergeevna - candidate of psychological sciences, psychologist, sexologist, psychotherapist in a psychoanalytic approach.
