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Recently, the risk of early death has increased and has been recorded in Ukraine. Teenagers thus express their protest against the present reality. This is a tragedy and a pattern of the current development of society. But why exactly children and how to change this course of events? I would like to turn to the textbook of developmental psychology to highlight the features of this life period. So, “Adolescence (from 10–11 to 14–15 years) is characterized by communication, which extends to various types of activities : labor, educational, sports, artistic, etc. New developments are: the emergence of a sense of adulthood, a tendency to reflection, self-knowledge, interest in the opposite sex, puberty, increased excitability, frequent mood swings; strong-willed qualities are developing, the need for self-affirmation and self-determination appears. A change in leading activity leads to a crisis in development. This is due to the fact that the child’s needs are changing, but he is not yet able to satisfy them.” Eastern psychology associates the age of 11-15 years with the emotional level. According to the chakra system (energy centers), this is the 2nd chakra of Svadhistan, which is associated with the development of the genital organs and shapes the attitude towards emotions. This is the mental ability to feel what other people feel. The formation and development of this chakra takes place, usually until the age of 14. And while it is still being formed, there is a possibility of unstable emotional reactions, extreme manifestations through unity - disunity. For example, “Nobody loves me,” “Nobody needs me,” etc. From the age of 7 to 14, the child’s left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic and specific knowledge, begins to function more. He begins to learn everything. Parents, teachers, peers, and friends create a certain aura around a teenager. The attitude of others greatly impresses a child's fragile psyche. The period of extremes: “To be or not to be!” The most painful and tragic thing that a child cannot experience, especially as a teenager, is the feeling that no one needs him... It is during this period that the seeds of love or fear are sown in the heart of every little person .Many parents, having not realized their childhood dreams, not being realized in life, convey the same mood, attitude towards the future and their child. Dejection, routine, fear are the weeds of the souls of many parents that sprout in the souls of their children. A child in a family is a litmus test that absorbs the inner atmosphere with which the members of this family are filled. In recent decades, school has become an institution for which they begin to prepare from birth, and, after graduating, they live with the stresses and memories received in it . It seems that a person is born only to study at school. School has ceased to be an assistant for entry into life. Many try to forget it like a bad dream, and the knowledge gained there allows few people to pass college exams. Everything else has to be studied and mastered externally at the school of life. What is needed for the full, harmonious, joyful (this is important) development of a child? The answer must be sought in the founders, educators, parents “What goes around comes around.” - learn to hear the child and support in the early stages of development; - perceive life as a game, creativity; - develop yourself (despite age): physically, psychologically, spiritually. - be responsible for your word, thought, deed; - live in harmony with your own “I”».
