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From the author: Everyone was taught to write the same way, but no matter what, each person’s handwriting is still special. “Handwriting is directly connected with the whole being of a person, with the conditions of his life, work, with his nervous system, therefore our manner of writing bears the same stamp of individuality as everything with which we come into contact” Goethe, letter dated April 3, 1820 .There are many areas of application of graphology. She is most in demand in the field of employment and criminology. When applying for a job, a person usually writes an autobiography, which subsequently becomes the object of research. Graphology also plays an important role in determining the compatibility of people in family and business life. Remember writing lessons in first grade, when the teacher told you to change the slope or tighten the tail of the letter? It seems that everyone was taught to write the same way, but despite everything, each person’s handwriting is still special. History is created as a result of man’s tireless struggle with the natural elements, and writing appeared as one of the weapons of this struggle. However, the transition from the first drawings carved on stone to modern writing - cursive writing - required many years of observations and experiments. Man, using writing, captured concepts about many things. The writing also reflexively reflected the properties of his psyche, so writing cannot be considered as a completely independent phenomenon that arose at the will of its inventor. Writing is one of the organizational means of the human collective and, therefore, HANDWRITING as a form of individual writing instrument contains everything that lies in the mental development of humanity and the individual in particular. An artist depicting one or another experience of his hero always strives for his gestures to reflect the inner essence of the hero; the act of writing is nothing more than a concentrated gesture in miniature when reproducing conventional signs - letters. HANDWRITING - the movement used in writing - is very mobile and subtly reacts to thoughts and feelings arising in our brain, regardless of whether a person uses a hand or another body organ adapted to writing in the process of writing. Graphic images of letters and their combinations are created in the brain and transmitted to the muscles for execution. It has been noticed that there is a certain connection between the handwriting and the artist’s drawing, expressed in the softness or density of the strokes, the degree of evenness of pressure, the evenness or brokenness of the lines, the simplicity or intricacy of the drawings... If a person is not prone to posing, does not have a special attraction to external forms, decoration ( in the form of special icons...), is not distinguished by coquetry, deliberateness, affectation in his behavior, turns of speech, then he will not resort to decorating his writing (curls, arcs...) Modern characterologists have established that each profession is characterized by a certain set of characteristics. For example, the military profession requires the presence of endurance, self-control, determination and resourcefulness in the character. Consequently, young people whose handwriting contains signs indicating such character traits will certainly be more suitable for this profession than those whose handwriting indicates indecisiveness, imbalance, impatience, etc. No one will deny that the profession of a scientist requires much more ability for systematic, consistent, logical thinking than the profession of a composer or orchestra conductor; in the same way, an aviator must have greater courage and self-control than an artist. The imagery of ideas, the creative imagination inherent in people of an artistic bent, is expressed, for example, in stylization and figurative drawings. Mathematicians are so accustomed to writing formulas and numbers that in their handwriting some letters resemble algebraic symbols. Obviously, graphological data can be of significant help in determining the propensity for one or anotherprofession or the selection of persons for responsible positions. Handwriting has the mobility of its parts and therefore reacts to the movement of the hand (written gesture) originating in our brain. Reacting equally to external influences, the human psyche in writing gives the same expressions, which have their own specific zones. Each handwriting is characterized by a certain set of features that distinguish it from all others. There are similar ones, but there are no identical ones - every person, from the first steps of learning to write, has his own handwriting, even if he tries not to deviate from the sample copybooks. It should be noted that any individual handwriting, no matter how typical and bright it may be, is not at all something frozen, determined once and for all, but, on the contrary, can undergo changes, and sometimes quite significant ones. On the one hand, a person gradually develops psychologically (this process of “psychological growth” of writing is most rapid in the first years of education, as well as in adolescence), on the other hand, any significant change in environmental conditions and influences inevitably affects the general makeup of the individual. and because of this - IN HANDWRITING. If changes in the environment are common to a separate group of people or even an entire nation (famine, war, revolution), then the generally accepted style of writing changes. For example, there were eras whose writing was particularly pretentious, architectural, and figurative. The flourishes seemed so intricate, just as the language, manners and external form of relationships were intricate. Modern writing is characterized by its simplicity, lack of decoration, unnecessary strokes, pace, economy in movements (due to simplicity in the connections between letters) - all this testifies to the characteristic properties of the era we are living through: efficiency, practicality, prudence. A woman’s desire for emancipation, the desire to free herself from sensual life and acquire masculine characteristics, of course, was also reflected in women’s handwriting. Such handwritings can often be distinguished from men’s only after careful study. A whole series of observations shows that a person can never exactly repeat his own writing, just as this or that set of feelings and moods can never be repeated. Some people have the ability to write in several handwritings, each of which is used for a specific situation. One can be free, relaxed; the other is thorough, officially strict; and the more the first differs from the second, the more a person’s behavior differs in personal and public life. The worldview of people who write in almost calligraphic handwriting and at the same time not varying, constant, only rarely contains any independent features. They adapt to ready-made, existing forms of surrounding life and are often unable to come to terms with new conditions and adapt to them, remaining unchanged until the end of life, although external conditions, the entire environment surrounding a person, radically changes. Thus, the originality of handwriting is proportional to the originality of the personality . There are some general principles on which many graphological features are built: The degree of geometric consistency of writing - the evenness of lines, rows and fields, the uniformity of intervals between lines and words - determines the degree of volitional development of a person, the supply of neuropsychic energy, and ability to work. Any exaggeration in individual elements letters indicate a desire to identify one’s personality, a desire to stand out, to attract attention. Excessive decoration (arches, loops, curls) is found in people with deliberate behavior, boastful and sometimes narrow-minded. Waviness in outline is typical for people who have resourcefulness in the field of thought, cunning. The style of school copybooks is the need to please. High likelihood of personal psychological problems. Sometimes these things force a person to hide something or remain silent... Abuse of angular lines=142
