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From the author: Questions were asked by the editor-in-chief of the magazine “In the City”, Korolev Ekaterina Baklanova,” answered Zhanna Kurkova. October, 2010. Continued article You can read: Red Eye Disease It turns everything good in the bad, the joy of others - in their own irritation, the successes and advantages of others - in the feeling of their own inferiority. In addition, they try to hide it. After all, it is a clear recognition of a person’s powerlessness to receive what another has. And no one admits to their weakness and helplessness. does not love. It has many shades. It can be not only “black”, giving rise to dull anger, but also “white” - that is, with a predominance of joy for another person. -The Latin word for “envy” is livor - “blue.” The ancient Romans said “turned blue” with envy, while the Russians said “turned green.” And in China, envy has a red color, because it is called “red eye disease” there. .What is envy, how did it appear and is it possible to fight it? Psychologist, specialist in systemic therapy and family constellations, Zhanna Kurkova, answers the editor’s questions. How did envy appear in humanity? Is this an innate or acquired quality? The soul comes to Earth to gain new experience and gain knowledge. Only by incarnating in the human body can the Soul improve. The word “man” means “student of the century,” that is, each of us is a student of a given period of time - a century. A person comes to earth empty-handed, but with certain acquired qualities. If he has accumulated envy in himself over all his incarnations, then he is born in similar conditions - a country, a city and a family, and finds himself in an environment that promotes envy. He needs to learn to live without envy. Realize its occurrence, change your dogmas and attitudes, acquire other, more reasonable values, become a little wiser in relation to yourself. Everyone has their own individual path in this life: personal, family, professional. Without his realization, a person feels great devastation, disappointment and dissatisfaction. These feelings force him to constantly look for something. But not knowing who a person is, how he is structured, by what laws he develops and lives, what his soul is nourished by, what his heart needs, what it means to live with the Father, a person looks outside. He is not aware of himself, his true desires and needs, he is seduced by the success and happiness of others. He begins to build his life, completely focusing on the needs of other people, on other people's sources of joy. He wants to have everything that the other has. Such a person begins to copy someone else's life. But according to the Father’s plan, everyone has their own true path. By copying the path of another, a person’s soul does not develop and does not receive joy, the heart shrinks and yearns. And even having achieved some material benefits, a person still feels emptiness, confusion, and uncertainty. It is difficult for him to experience all this, he does not understand himself and is angry, despairs and does not see the meaning in his life. It is painful for such a person to see the fulfillment and happiness of another, since at this time he feels his inadequacy as a Person. The word “envy” in Russian is literally means “to stop seeing.” In Latin, the word "Invidero" means "I do not wish to see the happiness of others." Not being able to see his own path, not wanting to find his own happiness, a person does not want to see the happy life of other people. So, maybe it’s worth thinking about for those who have poor eyesight, whose eyes refuse to see where their problem comes from? Maybe they should not run under the surgeon’s knife, but realize what important information their own eyes are telling them. Why is envy included in the list of mortal sins? After all, in sports, art, and science, envy has always been an incentive to win. Even the progress of mankind owes a lot to her. For example, people's envy of birds served as an impetus for the creation of an airplane, and for fish - the development of scuba gear. Envy existed before humanity. Lucifer who was/5-11-190-388
