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From the author: Crisis: danger + opportunity. There is hardly any need to sit and suffer. You need to move on and look for ways. Develop yourself, your business. Continued. Start here: https://www.b17.ru/article/ypravliat_soboi/?prt=135110 In most cases, you are an ordinary person and what is your solution: 1. suffer and gossip about the crisis with loved ones or 2. work on yourself and what surrounds you, what you have influence on. Usually, this is something you do. To begin with, I would choose the second, but if the first is closer to you, then this is also a choice and you need it for some reason. So, I will write about point 2: working on yourself and your business.1. Work on yourself: You are a living person and it is better to be vigorous and healthy than lethargic and sick. And the key to vigor is healthy sleep, physical activity and proper balanced nutrition! Try this: - Healthy sleep: I go to bed TODAY (better for health at 22-00) and I need it to have strength. I get up at 6-7 am, smile at myself in the mirror and take a shower! I'm ready for achievements!!! - physical activity. A walk with your family for half an hour or ten minutes of exercise gives you a boost of energy for the whole day and can become a pleasant and fun activity with your loved ones. Warm up for 5 minutes several times a day - and your body is joyful and vigorous. - a balanced diet has nothing to do with high prices in stores (this is for those who suffer)) porridge in the morning, meals several times a day! and not fast food (which costs a lot of money and health), but home-cooked food! Nutrition is a separate topic, if anyone is interested, write - I will answer. - auto-training 1 - 2 times a day to feel cheerful and positive (10 minutes of auto-training = 1 hour of sleep) https://www.b17.ru/article/healch/? prt=135110 SO, you are vigorous and young, if you take care of yourself, then the world will answer you the same and you can do more! Definitely more than tired and sick.2. Now about business and self-development in order to live with dignity and CRISIS = OPPORTUNITIES for growth, not decline: - establish a time management system and spend your time correctly. Have goals and go towards them. - learn to spend money on what you and your loved ones really need, and not what advertising and public opinion “forces” you to buy: - understand that changes are the norm of life! Love changes and not hide from them under the “blanket of habits”. Constantly brainstorm: what is outdated in what you are used to doing? What else can you do to earn more, what can you improve in your work? You analyze your competitors ?Improve your skills so that your price on the labor market or the products you produce becomes higher?Learn something new? Are you working at 100? Having received answers to these questions from yourself, outline a few simple steps that you can take in the coming days. Now be sure to implement them!!! 72 hours to complete, or again put unfulfilled tasks on the back burner! Live today and make your life better! Man is created for happiness. If you need help - come. Coach. Business trainer. Hypnotherapist: Liliya Valerievna Polyakova +7-910-703-33-13, Skype: liliyakoych
