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With this article I would like to clarify the definition of the concepts of psychotherapy, psychocorrection and psychological counseling in relation to the work of child psychologists. Often, psychologists themselves do not fully understand the relationships they enter into with the parents of their young clients, which is fraught with the loss of the boundaries of psychological space and cannot be useful either to the parents, or to the child, or to the psychologist. This article may be useful to both parents and psychologists whose professional identity has not yet been formed. Psychocorrection. The tasks of children's psychocorrection include the restoration of mental functions (attention, memory, thinking, speech), emotional states, as well as the restoration and formation of functional connections between brain structures. A psychologist can use various techniques and techniques in his work, including neuropsychological programs (replacement ontogeny method) or biofeedback methods (using special equipment and software). Such work by a psychologist does not imply the deliberate establishment of mutual understanding in the family and often does not fully solve the child’s “behavioral” problems, but to a large extent prepares the platform for this kind of change. Improving contact between parents and child, child and society (teachers, friends, classmates) can be achieved by increasing the child’s personal stability. This is facilitated by joint completion of homework (if any), a better understanding of one’s capabilities and awareness of the scope of one’s responsibility (which concerns not only the child, but to some extent also parents). Classes are most often intensive (several times a week). The duration of the course depends on the individual developmental characteristics of the child, as well as on the degree of involvement and level of coordination of the actions of all participants in the process (parents, child and psychologist). Thus, psychological correction is focused on the development or restoration of mental functions, correction of the child’s psycho-emotional state, or the establishment of the necessary functional connections of brain structures. When working with a child, a psychologist is more focused on the result than on the process, since there are certain frameworks (in the form of set goals and objectives) limited to a certain time period (a certain number of sessions). Psychotherapy. The tasks of child (non-drug) psychotherapy include the personal development of the child, carried out by a psychologist through various types of influence. Most often these are methods of art therapy, fairy tale therapy, specialized games, and conversations. They are designed to form a healthy, adapted personality in the child, capable of recognizing his own needs, building and defending psychological boundaries, and accepting responsibility (according to age). A child psychotherapist is primarily focused on supporting the process of a child’s personal development, taking into account the family and social situation of his development. Such work is most often long-term, with a frequency (in most cases) of 1-2 times a week. As a rule, people come to therapy when there are difficulties - be it difficulties in establishing contact between parents and the child, competition in the family, various behavioral problems - but psychotherapy is not limited to this list, it can be no less useful even in the absence of visible " symptoms." In the latter case, therapy will also serve the tasks of forming a healthy, socially adapted personality and contribute to the successful overcoming of crisis periods (which is also true for personal therapy of adults). An essential aspect influencing the effectiveness of therapy is parents’ awareness of their role in shaping the child’s personality. The psychologist is more focused on the process than on a clear result: on identifying relationships and!
