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Author: Vitaly Pichugin Source: http://www.nlplife.ru/Exercise for those who find it difficult to meet people, but want to. Why lie to yourself about confidence and courage, especially if your body shows timidity. The good news is that you can easily meet people, even if you are afraid to do so. There are many ways and strategies for dating, in this case we will analyze the situation when you realize that you are worried. How to meet? • Honestly. Let this be your task for the day. You can honestly admit that you don’t know how to meet people, but today is just your dating day. For example, come up and say: I don’t know how to meet people at all, but today is my dating day, by the way, my name is... You don’t lie, you don’t invent anything, tell it like it is. Surprisingly, honesty is the key to successful dating. Be prepared for the fact that not everyone is eager to reciprocate. It’s just that today is not their dating day, it’s yours, so other people don’t owe you anything, which does not take away your right to approach and communicate. Be spontaneous, approach whoever you want. If they refuse or are rude, be surprised, for example, like this: why, today is not your dating day, it’s a pity, well then next time... It’s also true, people have their own affairs, let them go where they went. But most will certainly be interested. You can continue communicating with them, take contacts, or just chat and go your separate ways. The main task is to learn not to lie, and to calmly make acquaintances even in a state of excitement. Don't be surprised if the anxiety passes and confidence appears. Honesty works wonders. The exercise will be completed successfully when you have the skill to easily start a conversation with any person you like. It probably won’t be possible in one day, then take a couple more days. When everything starts to work out easily, then have fun and share your successes with me. Good luck!
