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The most important thing in the life of a depressed person is to build a love relationship. And in these love relationships, depressed people come to a crisis due to conflicts in the relationship, because of which they are very worried, since the thought of losing a partner is unbearable for them, because they bring relief to a depressed person. When a crisis occurs in a relationship with a partner, the depressed person reacts to it very sharply. A depressed person can blackmail and threaten suicide. A depressed person perceives some kind of distancing from a partner as a sign that they do not like her and have little affection for her. Depressed people are very good at empathizing and sympathizing. A depressed person strives for complete fusion with a partner, in in which there are not two people, but a merger. A depressed person in a relationship with a partner repeats his relationship with his mother in early childhood, in which there was no separateness. Complete merging with a partner for a depressed person is necessary in order to experience less fear of loss, which can become the main feeling in his relationship with a partner. Depressed individuals are completely dependent in relationships; they become completely helpless and believe that all their needs will be satisfied by their partner. They want to get rid of their individuality and merge with their partner so that they want everything the same as their partner. Having been widowed, despite their strong love for their departed spouse, they quickly get married again, because the most important thing for them is to avoid feelings of loneliness .They love everything that is in their partner. And in this way they are able to avoid the fear of losing the relationship, because then the partner can behave as they please, and the relationship will not fall apart. For a depressed person, it is very important to love. He is dependent on the feeling of love. But a much more severe form of depressive relationships is love blackmail, which I will talk about in my next article about a depressed person and her love relationships.
