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At least once in our lives, each of us has given and received gifts. What do you like more: giving or receiving? The answer will help you understand how much you can give just like that, without expecting anything in return. This applies not only to material gifts, but also to various types of assistance. If I help someone and then wait for them to help me, then this is no longer help. If my expectations are not met, I will be disappointed, most likely I will no longer help, and even be offended. And if I did something, it helped a person, he was able to achieve something, solve his problem, then I will be to please. Plus, the importance and self-esteem of myself will increase in my eyes. Moreover, by helping another, I show that the person is dear to me. In this way, I give my attention and show feelings. You need to judge a person and his attitude towards himself by his actions. Even if a person is laconic and rarely expresses his feelings, his actions will say a lot. As John Locke said: “A man’s actions are the best interpreters of his thoughts.” So why am I all this? To the fact that you need to learn to give, to give just like that. Do and forget about your good deed, otherwise it will not be help, but the provision of a service, for which a fee is then charged. They say that a smile is contagious. I will say more: when you do good to another, it also spreads like a virus. The danger is that by doing good, others can begin to take advantage of it. The main thing is not to fall into the triangle of fate. And here you need knowledge of psychology and experience. The main sign that you are giving and doing something correctly is the person’s desire to do something nice in return. When you learn to give, your expectations from others will gradually begin to decline and there will be fewer disappointments. After all, a gift is a voluntary, free gift of something. How to give help?1. Start small. Say good, pleasant things, provide support. At first it’s rare that people around you don’t think you need something.2. Don't rush to help. Give the person the opportunity to ask. If he doesn’t ask, you can gently hint that you can help.3. Offer help if it is not a burden to you.4. Agree to help the person you like. 5. Learn to receive joy from the fact that a person has experienced positive emotions and they will be passed on to you.6. Imagine that every time you sow a seed of love in a person, which will someday sprout. 7. Do good and forget. Focus on the emotions that you experienced when you made the gift. Help and support are a manifestation of love for a person. A person who has love can give and help. Learn to give love - it works wonders. We make our environment, we build our life and we create our world. But in order to create, do and build all this, you need to start with yourself! I love you!
