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There are many myths about scientific research work in the psychological environment. I want to talk about several of them that I encounter as a teacher and practitioner. Myth 1: a practicing psychologist has no need for scientific work skills; they are generally only needed by students and researchers. Reality: psychologists strengthen their professional reputation through publications and speaking to the scientific community. This means you need to be able to generalize and formalize your observations so that they are worthy of trust. In business, informed decisions are based on scientific data and forecasts. This means you need to be able to find them or get them yourself. Medical and clinical psychologists try new treatments because they are scientifically proven to be effective, and abandon others. This means you need to be aware of the latest scientific developments and scientific criticism. To solve all these problems, research skills are required. Myth 2. Only special/brilliant people can engage in scientific work. Reality: Motivation and technology matter much more than ability. In my groups I see this very clearly. For example, there are 20 people in a group and everyone will present their completed scientific projects in two months. They couldn’t all be especially talented and see to the root of reality. Myth 3. Scientific work takes a long time, so you shouldn’t get involved in it. Reality: depending on the purpose of the work, it can take from several days to several years. For example, you can write a scientific article for a blog in less than a week. Write an article for a scientific journal in a month. Although, of course, everything depends on the design of the project. Myth 4. Research work requires special conditions: a mad scientist friend/join a sect of secret knowledge/access to the Library of Congress... Reality: at the present stage of technology development, knowledge and data is available to everyone in large (even excessive) quantities. Anyone can find scientific literature on a topic of interest and conduct their own analysis. You just need to know where to look and what to do with what you find. We will learn this and other necessary things in the upcoming series of seminars “Scientific research: from idea to finished project.” By the end of the course, participants have a completed research project that meets their objectives. The first meeting in zoom is already on April 21. Registration only by mail [email protected]http://aeapp.ru/content/nauchnoe-issledovanie-ot-idei-k-gotovomu-proektu
