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Go through a short diagnostic and understand why desires are not fulfilled. So: Step 1️. Write a list of your wishes or one, most cherished one. Step 2️. Make a diagnosis that will show the likelihood of these desires coming true. DIAGNOSTICS.Close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose, exhale through your mouth.Imagine the image of your mother. Look into her eyes and say: “Mom, I already have ... (one of your desires) ... For example, your desire: I want a loving, rich husband. Tell your mom: “Mom, I have a loving and rich husband.” Repeat this phrase slowly 3 times and track your reactions in your body, what you felt (write down). After that, imagine your dad and repeat the same thing as with your mom. Feel what is happening in your body now, what feelings it causes. Write everything down. So check every desire and record everything. At the same time, telling mom/dad about your feelings. Decoding the diagnosis into desires. Take your wish list and look at what you wrote down after passing the diagnosis. When you looked at your parents: what feelings did you have?1. If you felt awkward, guilty, ashamed in front of your mother, your eyes drooped, you were nervous, tense, constrained, or had other unpleasant reactions and Mom was also negative, but everything was fine with Dad. OR VICE VERSE: with dad it’s negative, but with mom everything is fine. Then the probability of fulfillment of this desire is possible by 20%-30% 2. If you experienced negative emotions in front of mom and dad, then the probability of fulfillment of the desire is 0% (this can be worked out) .3. If your feelings were positive, your whole body was “tingling”, you were happy and felt great, but Mom or Dad (one or the other) were not happy for you - then the probability of your wishes coming true is 40%4. If you were happy, but both parents were not, then the probability of your wish coming true is 10%5. If Mom and Dad rejoiced with you, then congratulations, the probability of your wish coming true is 80%. The remaining 20% ​​depends on other factors. For example, from your ancestral energy required to fulfill them, but this is another test. Even more information and diagnostics on my channel Irina Tsvetkova quantum psychologist
