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Children are the flowers of life”, “all the best goes to children”: who doesn’t know such expressions? Of course, parents and, to some extent, all the people around them are responsible for the helpless part of humanity, however, today the first “fruits” of the spreading trend towards child-dentrism are clearly visible. For those who don’t know, child-centrism is when only needs and desires are put at the forefront of everything child. “And whose else should we put on?” - some will be indignant. "Their!" - psychologists will answer them. Yes, undoubtedly, for a certain period of time (infancy) the baby’s needs are a priority, but in the future the parent will have titanic work to master the golden mean between two extremes: “I don’t consider the child’s wishes at all” and “I consider only the benefits and needs child." Moreover, the desires (and even natural needs!) of a child are not necessarily what the child consciously wanted. They can easily be imposed by parents who “want what’s best.” If previous generations suffered from hyper-responsibility, unfulfillment and lack of parental attention, then the current generation has already “taken shape” of its own trends. For example, refusal to bear responsibility, lack of fulfillment, not because a person, out of a sense of duty, does something that is not to his liking, but because he does not know what to do. Many people now have more than enough parental attention. Those countries that were not subject to a harsh regime have already clearly shown where child-centrism leads - to a destructive sense of guilt and thirty-year-old children living with mom and dad. Why does this even happen? Firstly, human life has become much simpler in everyday life. Now we don’t have to survive, chop wood to keep warm in the winter, or plant a garden to have food (we’re talking about big cities, of course; in some settlements people still survive). The routine with the child is freed from constant washing of diapers and lengthy cooking. Therefore, parents throw all their strength into raising a new genius. Secondly, due to the spread of contraception and the costly provision of an adequate standard of living for children, people often abandon the idea of ​​having many children, preferring to have 1-2 children. Thirdly, the childbearing age is significantly has increased, which means that women come to the desire to have children already established, they do not need to waste time looking for work and livelihood, studying, getting a profession. When a woman becomes a mother at a later age, this is also a risk of excessive custody of the child. Fourthly, families in which the adults themselves have not received proper attention from their parents are prone to child-centrism, and therefore want to protect their children from this. Hypertrophied child-centrism creates people who are unable to live independently, who think that the whole world will continue to revolve around them after they grow up. There is nothing good about this. Therefore, it is advisable for modern parents to reconsider their priorities and shift the focus to themselves and nurturing independence in their children. Have you noticed such a trend in modern society? Share your opinion. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
