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Alcohol depression can occur in patients with chronic alcoholism of any age, but most often after prolonged alcohol intoxication. The duration of alcoholic depression ranges from several days to 2 weeks, although sometimes it can drag on for up to a year or longer. The same patient may experience repeated attacks of alcoholic depression. Patients complain that they perceive the world without proper emotional coloring, and this can cause them some anxiety, because all perceptions seem to be colorless. The patients' facial expressions are sad. Gait and movements are inhibited. They answer questions with a delay, in a monotonous, quiet voice. Speech and thinking responses are slowed down. In some cases, especially in older people, depression can be combined with anxiety and apathy [1]. Alcoholic depression should be distinguished from reactive depression, which occurs in patients with chronic alcoholism after severe mental trauma (death of loved ones, divorce from a loved one and other shocks), as well as from involutional depression, which can occur in patients with alcoholism at a later age; in these cases, depression is combined with anxiety. Alcohol-related depression most often occurs after prolonged alcohol abuse. The relevance of issues related to the clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of depressive conditions does not lose its urgency to this day, as the frequency of these pathological conditions is steadily increasing. Currently, a significant proportion of drug treatment patients suffer from depression of various levels. The number of depressed patients suffering from addiction to psychoactive substances is steadily growing. In this regard, issues of preventing depressive conditions in drug treatment practice occupy one of the leading places in scientific research programs. An analysis of studies and publications, as well as observations on the issues of depression in alcohol and drug addicts, showed that the currently recommended rehabilitation programs for drug addicts in hospital, including the implementation of therapeutic measures only by patients, mainly aimed at relieving withdrawal symptoms syndrome and relief of somatopsychiatric reactions require rethinking. The issue of relieving depressive tension in the system of providing emergency drug treatment to persons dependent on psychoactive substances remains poorly studied. The search for a combination of biological, psychological and social influences is underway. In general, reports on this topic are few, and information on the effectiveness of various rehabilitation programs for drug addicts is difficult to compare, since studies are conducted using different functional control methods, groups differ in the number of participants, clinical and functional treatment options and conditions for conducting rehabilitation activities. On the basis of the Republican Narcological Dispensary, a study was conducted with the participation of 80 patients of the somatopsychiatric department of the dispensary on days 3-5 of inpatient treatment, of which 60 were men and 20 women. 37 people were hospitalized for the first time, 43 again, the age of the respondents was 20-60 years. The examination was carried out using E. Beck’s test for the level of depression and Beech’s “House-Tree-Person” projective technique. Analysis of the study results shows that of all the patients examined, 80% had an average level of depression, and 16 people, i.e. 20% high level of depression. Such indicators indicate the relevance of studying issues of depressive states and their correction in drug treatment clinics. In this regard, the development of new methods for relieving depressive states in a drug treatment hospital, including modern psychocorrectional techniques in the system of rehabilitation measures, is currently one of the most important=2127
