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Is this situation really difficult to change? Or is it simply difficult for you to muster the courage to change it? The answer will contain a solution to the problem (forget or change). Forget - if it is not in your power. Change - if it is within your power. How to get rich for real, and not with the help of loans Today's “wealthy people” are not wealthy. Their luxury cars and apartments were bought, in most cases, with credit money. At the same time, their own money and their assets are “the cat cried.” In the sense that all their apparent wealth is a “soap bubble.” Real wealth is always based on money, income-generating assets and investments. Rich people live on interest from their capital, and not on salaries (which may not exist tomorrow). Credit is a tool, not a freebie. People are surprised that the loans they have taken need to be returned to the bank. Some are even convinced that “only cowards give loans "Our work should bring us (1) joy and (2) money. If there is no joy, then it is “slave labor in the galleys.” If there is no decent money, then it is a “hobby” or “pastime.”* Do you agree? Rules, that rule our lives1) Learn to create something out of nothing. This is what pays the biggest money.2) With every step you take in the right direction, you become stronger. Find meaning and joy in your daily work.3) Break up with those who with whom you are not on the same page. This applies to people, activities, places and events. 4) Respect for people will never go out of fashion. Elegance in dress and manners will never go out of fashion. The main cause of unhappiness We become unhappy when We constantly wear “rose-colored glasses.” This is when we look at the world with naive eyes, and the reality of life hits us “on the nose” in a big way. Unfulfilled dreams and shattered high expectations are the No. 1 reason for the lack of Happiness in our lives. What to do about it: Take off your “rose-colored glasses” + Lower your ambitions from “Tonyrobinns” to “healthy” ones + Start a “gratitude diary” where every day you write down 10 small “miracles of life” that happened to you during the day. Five questions to ask, before investing in something 1) How much money can I make? 2) What are the risks (how much money) can I lose? 3) Liquidity - how quickly can I “get out” the money I invested? 4) Who said this deal is good and low-risk?5) Who else is involved in this investment?An investor should stop trying to choose the “most profitable” stocks or investment options.Beating the natural growth of a market fund can only be done by chance - so it makes sense to give preference to purchasing index funds.Rather than buying shares of individual issuers (incl. dividend shares)Additionally: Read my other article “Where should you NOT invest your money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money." I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of this article. Author of the article - Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor with 25 years of experience, laureate of the Russian Ministry of Finance Prize for the best media project on financial literacy
