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What is love addiction and how is it different from love? When a person experiences love addiction, he is completely absorbed by another person, he cannot live without him. What's bad about it? There is no time left for anything else, because with love addiction, the other person can spend time with the object of his passion all the time. It seems to him that he cannot live without him or her. Of course, in reality this is not the case. Why are breakups preceded by love addiction and breakups preceded by love equally bad? But this is only at first glance. Both in the first case and in the second case it is very bad, but bad in different ways. With love addiction, a person thinks entirely about his feelings, about how bad and painful he is now. In the case of true love, a person worries about both. He understands that it is not easy for someone else now, and perhaps even harder. How to break the addiction? And can it turn into love? There is a gaming addiction, there is a drug addiction, both of them have a detrimental effect on a person. You need to get rid of love addiction. There is a love for computer games, but without addiction, there is a love for cinema, but without addiction, and there is a love for a person and the same without addiction. This is the kind of love you should strive for. For example, 2 people dated for quite a long time, what happened between them? Yes, different. There were moments of happiness, and also a lot of negative things (screaming, hysterics, possibly beatings towards a woman). So what keeps her in this relationship? Fear of being alone? Fear of losing this person? Hope that everything will change for the better? Memories of happy moments? What to do if you can’t overcome addiction on your own? You can and should contact a psychologist, because it “eats you from the inside.” A psychologist can help you look intelligently at the object of addiction, see in it not the center of concentration of all pleasures, but simply a person with shortcomings that can be forgiven, but this will not make you want to associate your entire future destiny with it.
