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This question arises for many people living in our society, where for seventy years talking about the soul and mental suffering was either heresy or weakness. The reasons for the urge to go to a psi specialist can be different . 1. It is unbearable for me to live or exist in the version of life that I have. If you feel unbearable only because of mental pain, then you can limit yourself to a psi specialist. We help you ease your heartache. All side effects, such as curing symptoms, are just side effects, since any psychotherapy deals with the human psyche. A strong and healthy mind contributes to a healthy body. If you feel unbearable because of physical pain, then you should not think that a psychologist is an omnipotent God and he will cure the symptom. It is imperative to combine psychotherapy and treatment of physiological symptoms. Especially if it is something serious, for example, cancer or serious injuries. 2. I can live and even somehow live, but something is missing, I want happiness, energy, love... If I want to be happier. Everyone has their own understanding of what happiness is. For some, this is an opportunity to sleep at night, to reduce the level of mental arousal so much that they can fall asleep, get enough sleep, and regain strength. For some it is to lose weight or gain weight, eat less, fill that spiritual emptiness that always requires accessible pleasures, such as food, alcohol, etc. For some, this is learning to communicate with people, not being afraid to be in a team, not worrying about new acquaintances, attention, the ability to speak and not stuttering for fear of not being understood or accepted. For some, this is an opportunity to find a couple, a permanent, normal relationship in which both partners treat each other with love and respect. For some, this is self-realization in work, in work from the word “the pleasure of creativity,” and not from the word “I work for money.” If you want energy. Signs of a low energy level may be the occurrence of such thoughts. “I have the strength to live, but there is no strength for creativity, for pleasure, for anything other than work, home, work.” “Somewhere my strength is disappearing, I always feel tired, but I can’t rest, I’m constantly busy and constantly exhausted...” If you want love. We all need love, but understanding this love is different. Love in the sense of attention from loved ones, so that someone is interested, cares, helps. Or an inner feeling of being filled with love. So much love so that there is enough for yourself, and in the most beautiful version, so that there is enough for yourself and enough for your neighbor. 3. Acute grief, loss of a loved one, homeland, ideal, dream. Here, urgent help from psychiatrists is needed, but in case of acute grief, you must definitely contact both a psychiatrist and a psychologist and psychoanalyst. One will relieve acute mental pain with medication: effectively, quickly, but not for a long time. In the meantime, there are no acute symptoms, the psychotherapist will treat mental suffering, slowly, hard, but once and for all. 4. Everything is fine with me, I live a bright and varied life, good job, friends, I am in demand and happy. But I want to try going to a psychotherapist for “Maintenance”, because it’s fashionable, for prevention, there is such an incomprehensible need. You can’t deceive the psyche; if the thought of psychotherapy arises, you shouldn’t bring it to the acute stage, but go now, before illnesses, injuries, extreme anxiety or severe depression, or the loss of someone or something appear. In any case, any psychoanalytic psychotherapy helps. It’s long, expensive, hard, but it helps once and for all.
