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From the author: Betrayal by a partner is one of the monstrous events in a person’s life. Psychotechnology (psychotherapy technique) for working with acute conditions. Betrayal of a partner is one of the monstrous events in a person’s life. In terms of stress level, betrayal is slightly lower than the death of a loved one or divorce. When we find out about betrayal, we literally find ourselves in a “psychological storm.” We don’t know what to do or how to live further... losing our psychological stability. Hello, friends! I, as a psychologist-psychotherapist, know that clients who come for help from a psychotherapist or psychologist in a situation of betrayal, for the most part, are in an acute (crisis) state. An acute (crisis) state is characterized by either strong emotional suppression (closer to apathy and depression), or, conversely, strong emotional arousal (denial, anger, aggression). In this regard, first the person just needs help. He does not need cumbersome theoretical materials on the psychology of betrayal. He just needs help to make him feel better. At least a little, but it’s easier...Therefore, the first thing we do with my clients during a short-term psychotherapy session is accept the situation that has happened. What is acceptance of what happened? Imagine an unfortunate person who is caught in a rainstorm when it’s pouring like buckets. The man can barely move along the street; he does not have an umbrella with him. And he, without stopping for a second, grumbles and stews. Have you imagined such a depressing picture? Below I provide a description of the psychotechnology or psychotherapy technique that I successfully use in my work. I took as a basis the materials of the seminar “Working with acute conditions” by S.V. Kovalev. (Founder of an innovative system of psychological counseling and short-term psychotherapy - Integral neuroprogramming): Sit comfortably, so that no one disturbs you. Rate the level of problem of what happened on a 10-point scale (0-10). Accept what happened by saying out loud the phrase: “Betrayal, I I accept you! You exist and it’s stupid to deny that you don’t exist. Yes, it’s terrible, yes it’s unbearable, but you exist. And I accept you. I accept you as a thought. I accept you as an emotion. I accept you as a feeling. I absolutely and completely take you for granted!” Give up the pain: “I feel pain now and it’s unbearable. The pain that this happened, the pain that permeates my entire body. But time passes, seconds, minutes, hours and days pass, years and decades pass... And now the moment has come when I am ready to give up this pain, to free my thoughts from pain. Free my emotions from pain. Free my sensations and my body from pain!” Give up the resentment and guilt: “I now feel resentment and guilt and it is unbearable. Resentment and guilt for myself, for him (her), resentment and guilt for the fact that this happened, resentment and guilt that permeates my whole body. But time passes, seconds, minutes, hours and days pass, years and decades pass... And now the moment has come when I have become ready to give up this resentment and guilt, to free my thoughts from resentment and guilt. Free my emotions from resentment and guilt. Free my feelings and my body from resentment and guilt!” Give up the anger: “I now feel anger and it’s unbearable. Anger that this happened, anger that permeates my entire body. But time passes, seconds, minutes, hours and days pass, years and decades pass... And now the moment has come when I have become ready to give up this anger, to free my thoughts from anger. Free my emotions from anger. Free my senses and my body from anger!” Learn a lesson: “I am absolutely sure that a coin has two sides. I am absolutely sure that there is day and night. Now I'm dimly beginning to realize that there is a lesson in everything. Now I am vaguely beginning to guess that there is also a lesson in what happened. But time goes by, seconds, minutes, hours and days pass, years and decades pass... And now it’s time to learn the lesson of what happened... I guess the lesson of what happened is that...” Minimize the consequences: “Now,/
