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Unfortunately, our lives are filled with stress. Almost all the time we fight with ourselves and with the circumstances around us. To some extent this is useful. Through crises we develop and grow. But still, we are not iron robots, we feel and experience certain emotions. There are times when it is difficult to cope with difficulties, it is difficult to tell anyone about your “sorrows”. It seems to us that we will not be understood, that what is happening to us is strange. It even happens that we have no idea about what kind of life we ​​need, how we want to realize ourselves in it. You can turn to a psychologist for help. Not everyone has an idea of ​​how this happens, so let me remind you of the general meaning. When coming to a consultation, a person comes not just to tell a story, he comes with a “problem”. In the relationship between a psychologist and a client, this is called a request. To be more precise, a request is the final goal, the final result of working with a psychologist, which the client would like to see. But not everyone thinks about it, and to be honest, almost no one. Some find it difficult, in principle, to draw up some kind of action plan, set a goal, and forming a good request is quite difficult. I will not classify requests into groups, give definitions of their constructiveness, but will simply tell you what requests you can contact a psychologist with, and what specific requests I work with. I will state the main thing (let me remind you) - A psychologist is not a magician, he does not solve everything with a wave of a magic wand , the psychologist will not give you “instructions” for life, the productivity of your joint work depends not only on the psychologist, but also on you, if you do not make an effort and work on yourself, there will be no result, or it will not be the same You wanted it. A psychologist always works not with the situation, but with the individual. All psychologists, regardless of what direction they work in, have one unifying factor: unconditional acceptance of the client with all his weaknesses and shortcomings, without judgment or criticism. Let's return to the requests. You can contact a psychologist: in case of dissatisfaction with yourself and your life, problems with self-esteem, difficulties in communication and relationships (both personal and professional), in crisis situations (divorce, death of a loved one), after physical and mental trauma (accidents, operations, violence against the individual), with emotional problems (depression , depression, aggression, fears) and suicidal thoughts. Personally, I help solve difficulties in communication and relationships, survive crisis situations, and work through problems with self-esteem. I help you accept and love your life, become the best version of yourself. With Respect and Love, Your Evgenia Nesterova! I look forward to seeing you at your consultations.8 928 606 89 32
