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Why are emotions needed? For most, this is part of the inner world that fills life with colors. There are also those for whom emotions are what prevent them from taking balanced actions. It's like ballast that I would like to get rid of. Many will also agree that there are “good” and “bad emotions”. But few people know that emotions have a very specific function, just like the hands, eyes and other organs have a function. Think of a strong emotion, such as fear. Fear is usually perceived as a “bad” emotion. What happens when you are afraid? The body tenses, the heart begins to beat faster, breathing quickens. The whole body gathers strength. But for what? An inner voice seems to say: “Something bad might happen, something needs to be done urgently.” Those. motivation to action arises. For fear, there are three options: the well-known “fight or flight” and sometimes “freeze”. Thus, the emotion of fear arises for a reason, but so that we get away from danger, take an action in order to be safe. The same thing happens with other emotions. They are pure motivation to action. This can be called an inner voice that says: “Do this to satisfy your need.” If we hear this voice and close the need, then we live in harmony with ourselves. If not, then difficulties arise. The problem is that man, as a social and intellectually developed being, is capable of inhibiting internal impulses calling for action. “I cannot respond to aggression with aggression, because it is wrong. Although I’m scared when I stand and do nothing.” If we regularly suppress impulses to action, then after some time there is a rupture in the connection between emotions and their purpose. Those. we simply cease to understand what needs to be done when we feel this or that emotion. In more advanced cases, we stop noticing even the emotion itself, as if it doesn’t exist. At the same time, a person may shake with excitement and fear, but when asked “what do you feel?” he says that it’s nothing special, everything is fine. In conclusion, I want to draw important conclusions: There are no “good” and “bad” emotions! Each emotion motivates us to action in order to satisfy a specific need. We just have to hear them. In the near future I will write a number of articles devoted to “negative” emotions (since they are the ones with the most problems), in which I will “decipher” the needs that lie behind them. ps Next articles: How to cope with fear How to cope with anger and irritability Good mood!
