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One young man inherited from his ancestors an amazingly beautiful gemstone. Grandma always said it was an extremely rare and valuable nugget. From time to time the young man opened the box in which it was kept, admired it, looking admiringly at the sunlight refracting through it, “splashing” in different directions with cheerful rays. One day he met a man who sadly told about how he dreams of an amazing the beauty of the precious stone, how he searches for it everywhere, how he yearns for it... And as he spoke, the Young Man understood that he was describing exactly his stone. This man was so dear that the Young Man decided to give him his stone. It’s wonderful when you can make someone truly happy! One evening the friends were sitting talking again. And again words were heard about how much a person lacks a beautiful gemstone. At this moment, the Young Man took out a box with a nugget, handed it to his dear friend and simply said: “I give it.” “What is this?” the man said, wincing slightly. “This is the stone you were describing. I want to give it to you. I am pleased to know that I can make you happier, because now you will have what you have dreamed of for so long!” “First of all,” the friend responded to this, “what makes you think that I need your stone? And secondly, it does not at all fit the parameters that I always thought about. And, in general, you are an adult, but you still haven’t learned to distinguish a true Jewel from a dubious cobblestone.” Already at home, the Young Man examined his stone, as if seeing it for the first time. He felt both betrayed and betrayed. The stone turned out to be a fake, which he almost “slipped” to the person most dear to him. In the morning, opening the box again, he looked with contempt at this “little glass”, so stupidly shining on an old velvet pillow and with an embroidered family coat of arms on the corner. Time passed. The young man no longer took out the box and did not look at his “jewel”, did not take it in his hands, did not press it to his cheeks, I felt the warmth of the stone. Only for some reason the grandmother began to dream more and more often, as if trying to explain something and justify herself in a dream, but the Young Man never wanted to see this dream to the end. It was already difficult to communicate with a dear friend, because he was so guilty before him: he almost let him down by trying to “slip” him a fake of poor quality. Really, why did he decide that he had a real treasure? A piece of glass is a piece of glass...One afternoon a funny neighbor girl came to visit the Young Man. Well, not a girl, but a Young Lady. She was known as a local intellectual who re-read books from all her neighbors. Finally, I got to it. Having buried myself in a bookcase, the Young Lady suddenly came across a carved box. "What is this?" - she exclaimed in amazement. “Yes, so,” answered the Young Man, looking away - a stupid piece of glass. All hands are unable to throw it away” “But how can you throw it away? This is a rare nugget!” - the guest did not let up. "No! It's just a cobblestone! I know! Everything was explained to me!” - the Young Man shouted, painfully remembering that difficult conversation with his friend. “Who explained this to you? A stone specialist? “No, he’s not an expert on stones, but he’s a person who... who... but, how... he said so confidently that it’s just a cobblestone,” the Young Man muttered suddenly, breaking off, and sank onto the sofa, as if knocked down. “My dad is a famous gemologist. He is at home now. Do you want us to go and consult with him?” "Young man! You are the owner of a stone of rare beauty and value. Congratulations!" - said the young lady’s dad, holding out the box. At home, the young man sat silently and looked at the stone. I thought about myself, about my Friend, about the interesting young lady - my neighbor and about the words of her father. He felt that he had matured. That night he slept peacefully. And grandma... Grandma smiled, hugging her grandson.
