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Dream. A dream... Where to start to make your dream come true? The conscious path to achieving your dreams, which as you progress, gradually transforms into the creation and implementation of a personal project, begins with the understanding that this is a very real task, even if it seems impossible to you. As a rule, what prevents us from achieving the desired result is not external circumstances, the main one of which most people most often call the lack of financial resources, but internal contradictions associated with manifestations of negative thinking and a state of social helplessness. Helplessness is formed in the family and manifests itself as a refusal to act due to the interruption of the child’s play and activities by adults. The most striking signs of negative thinking are: - negative forecasts, when we portray future events in a negative light; - violation of the forecast, when we do not see a logical connection between an action and the result; - superficial generalizations, when a conclusion is drawn about the entire phenomenon based on one specific feature; - perfectionism, when we are driven by the desire to do any work in an ideal way; - black and white perception, when we see only one side of a phenomenon and do not recognize the existence of the other. How does negative thinking and a state of helplessness stop the possible realization of our dreams? To begin with, a person who suffers from these symptoms simply does not give himself the right to dream. For many people, the very word “dream” is associated with something impossible, so daydreaming itself is considered a waste of time. This belief is passed on from parents to children and is supported in a dependent society by the state, since restrictions on freedom and choice make it easier to control people. As a result, a person refuses to do anything in advance, expecting a deliberately negative result. A negative forecast is formed. Will I pursue my dreams if I don’t even give myself the right to dream? Obviously not. Try littering for 20 minutes without any restrictions? What are you talking about? How many items are on your list? Write at least 10! Will I pursue my dream, knowing it will fail? Of course not. What's stopping me? My negative thinking, which sends me “rational” arguments as to why this dream is not possible. This is what those starting their path to a dream usually say: - I don’t have, and don’t expect, money to implement this plan; - I don’t have time to do this; - I don’t have allies to achieve this goal. All these arguments are the fruits of negative thinking that have no relation to reality. Any competent practical work on drawing up a personal project and its subsequent successful implementation is confirmation of the inconsistency of such arguments. Don’t believe me?)) Together with Yulia Vasyukova
