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Children from heaven, we are earthly... Recent research in the field of quantum physics has established the existence of a space program, which is encoded in the form of the human genome. The structure of DNA contains absolutely everything that should be formed in a person. Having planted an acorn, an oak tree will definitely grow, and not something else, the same applies to a person. If you initially perceive the child as a full-fledged, and not a small and therefore flawed person, then your relationship with the child will certainly take on a more civilized character. Indeed, having met a colleague at work, it would not even occur to you to lecture him or, much less, punish him for his offense, because he is equal to you in social status. So children are equal, and often exceed our status, only in a different, spiritual sense. They are, as John Gray, the author of the psychological bestseller “Children from Heaven,” put it, precisely from heaven. What does it mean? This means that you do not teach the child to look - his visual mechanism does this on its own, you do not teach him to breathe, swallow, walk, but only help him master what is already inherent in him, even teach the child to speak - this turns out to be completely out of your hands depending. Recent studies by Russian scientists in the field of neurolinguistics have proven that a child perceives sound and symbolic sequences intuitively, that is, without using typical mechanisms such as vision and hearing. This means that there are other mechanisms that we have hardly studied. A child develops in the womb, one might say, at the speed of light; if he continued to develop so quickly after birth, he would reach the age of a hundred in a year. Moreover, even the most modern technology cannot track the development of a child; if there is a failure in the comic program, then a child will inevitably be born with a defect, deformity or deviation, and doctors only have the right to state this fact. Not a single serious failure has yet been corrected by traditional medicine. Thousands of children with congenital defects, defects and injuries continue to drag out their existence, so where is the great power of science that is not able to help the most important thing for whom it exists, man? Nevertheless, real scientists are constantly looking for solutions to problems, and today many physicists are directing their research into an area that just recently was impossible to talk about or even think about in scientific circles: the area of ​​the ideal, that is, the area of ​​​​the existence of the spirit. And only there it is possible to find many reasons why a person is born normal or not normal. But most people believe that children are small, stupid creatures who need to be constantly taught through punishment, both psychological and physical. We often make mistakes for which we cannot forgive our parents. It is worth breaking the stereotypes of society or trying to revise them. Try answering the following questions, recommended by author and psychologist John Gray, and you may be able to adjust your behavior. Errors and defects in upbringing must be eradicated if your child is dear to you, if mutual understanding is more important to you than stupid submission, which will provide you not with a free personality, but with a humiliated slave doomed to suffering. Do you allow yourself to make mistakes? Are you entitled to them? What about your child? It’s okay to make mistakes! There are no perfect people on earth; your child has the right to make mistakes, just like you. What do you usually do when your child gets out of control? Do you ever lose your composure? It’s normal to show negative emotions! But you need to remember and know where these emotions can be thrown out. If at the first cry you “shut your mouth” with a toy or candy, then very quickly a small, smart person will begin to manipulate you in the most inappropriate place. When someone yells at you, what do you feel? Do you ever want to eliminate an unpleasant factor? Remove, destroy, never hear anyone scream at you again. Think about how a child feels, for whom the closest person: 8 904 373 32 29
