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Sometimes the storm finally has to break. Because the calm lasted too long. Because feelings are at their limit, and thoughts no longer want to launch a protective program. The moment “x” has arrived, when detente is inevitable. This situation sooner or later occurs in a relationship where an imitation of ease and well-being reigns. Both partners are, in fact, exhausted by the incredibly smooth development of events. They need to express everything, finally become themselves, feel the living breath of a loved one. But before the storm there usually comes a time of calm, which has its own magic. And it conceals such an internal energy that can shake the union of two loving people. Not loving enough, or positioning themselves incorrectly? It is difficult to say and understand for yourself, and even more so from the outside. Any connection is mysterious. Sometimes a thunderstorm (scandal, showdown) can bring fresh air filled with ozone. Even the “rain” of tears can wash a soul red-hot from resentment and refresh the feelings of two. Although this is an extreme measure of conflict resolution. There is an opinion that if there are no quarrels, clarification of the relationship in a couple, at least sometimes, such a relationship will soon end. Because the energy of feelings has dried up, and indifference gradually sets in. Of course, ideally, actions should be only positive, relationships should be trusting, and feelings should be highly empathetic. But in reality this rarely works out. It is difficult to live up to the ideal, and it is hardly necessary. What if you don’t let incomprehensible moments of communication reach a lull before the next outbreak? Try to talk through difficulties in the current mode? Not everyone can do this, because they do not want to disturb the fragile peace and well-being of the present. Then the spring is compressed to the limit, and it will certainly hit. In general, people tend to behave naturally. Any restrictions, violent actions against emotions, will sooner or later manifest themselves in a variety of forms: in quarrels, resentments, even in illness. Learn to listen to each other, not to bring yourself to a red-hot state. The main thing here is not to practice “saving” withdrawal into oneself, not to observe, at all costs, an unnatural calm. So as not to attract a storm into your home. © Bogdanova Anzhelika, 2019 Friends, if you are interested in my work, I will be grateful if you repost the article and subscribe to my page https://www.b17.ru/id254740/#article
