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A depressive episode according to ICD-10 is marked by low mood, decreased energy, and decreased activity. Severe fatigue even with minimal effort, disturbances in sleep, appetite and decreased libido are common. Thoughts about one’s own guilt and uselessness are often present. Low mood does not depend on circumstances, it is constant and is accompanied by a loss of interest in the environment, loss of sensations that give pleasure. Depending depending on the number and severity of symptoms, a depressive episode can be:▪mild (2-3 symptoms, the person suffers, but can perform basic activities)▪moderately severe (4 or more symptoms, has difficulty performing everyday activities)▪severe (characterized by suicidal tendencies) thoughts turning into intention, the presence of hallucinations, delusions, psychomotor retardation or stupor, normal social activity is impossible) The cause of postpartum depression is still not clear. It is attributed to biological and psychological origin, a disorder of the metabolic processes of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. According to statistics, the pathological condition develops in the first year after childbirth, but it is worth noting that these statistics in Russia are very vague. For example, according to statistics, postpartum depression (PD) is registered in 10-15% of women. But let's imagine how many people simply do not register it at all. PPD does not arise out of nowhere; often it is a continuation of something that arose before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and carried into the postpartum period, aggravated by other factors. Despite the increased attention to maternal depression in recent years, the phenomenon has been little studied. Partly because women keep silent about mental disorders, don’t consider it important, and delay getting help in the early stages. Immersed in caring for the baby, mothers push themselves and their own needs into the background, deprive themselves of normal sleep and nutrition, and visits to doctors and the slightest manifestations of care. At the same time, they begin to inadequately assess what is happening to her and herself, and, more dangerously, to the child.
