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She is 92. She lives alone. One day she knocks on the door opposite. A neighbor, a man about 30 years old, opens the door for her. She angrily attacks him with accusations: “When did you come back?” Why didn't you come in? I saw you through the peephole - you’ve been at home for 3 days! Yes, maybe I’ve already decomposed here! No, this is not dementia, not Alzheimer’s, not the slightest sign of destruction of the subcortex, or demyelination. Her anger is very targeted and she is doing great with the strong-willed component. The gaze is clear, tenacious, the voice is loud, the facial expression is decisive. She does not deliberately hold back, she sincerely believes that she has carte blanche for anger. The man, somewhat taken aback, tries to somehow clarify what is happening for himself: - We really returned on the 4th. And if you need to buy something, just tell me. Write a list and put it in our mailbox. - Here's another! Who am I to allow myself this?! I’m a stranger to you... It’s your mother who can give you lists!.. The man is completely discouraged, silent, trying to find logic in what is happening. “When you go to the store, knock at least sometimes,” she explains. - And I’ll tell you what to buy... The man politely notes that he goes to the store dressed, he doesn’t want to get wet in front of the door in winter, and more often than not he goes there on his way from work... so the question is really only on a pre-prepared list . But even for something spontaneous, he can also come in, she just needs to ring his doorbell. She is not satisfied. She is a fighter. And she definitely remembers that in 1941, like everyone else in the USSR, she received three vaccinations under the shoulder blade. And she knows very well how to keep Rottweilers. And what are the differences between a nuclear and a hydrogen bomb in terms of the duty of her former job - she remembers very well... When she nevertheless brings the list to her neighbor, he is surprised to discover that all the items are insignificant, like a chocolate bar, or a special type of jam. And he turns to his wife in bewilderment. Tak nods, explaining that the neighbor is smart and cool and has been going to the store herself throughout the pandemic. And he refuses to get vaccinated. And don’t put your finger in your mouth. “What does she want then?” - he asks in bewilderment. “Apparently, love.” Attention. Concerns.- Is this how she asks for love?- Yes. But shame gets in the way... So a workaround was found - through anger. But this trail is very much through swamps and bumps. And you won’t really understand, everything is so disguised. He humbly nods, takes the bag and goes to the store. For some chocolate. And a special kind of jam. Because it's about love. And everyone always needs love. Even if it’s impossible to talk about it directly after living for almost a hundred years.
