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As a child, she was a wonderful, obedient child. She finished the soup “for dad” and “for mom.” She studied very well in all subjects and was on the honor board. In her clear, clean eyes there was always a willingness to help and carry out assignments. She knew what an ideal girl should be and strived for this ideal. In her world, everything was clear: what was good and what was bad, what was necessary and what was not. She did everything right and therefore knew that she was a good girl! But for some reason, over time, the world began to change. With surprise, she discovered that he can be unfair... It’s not fair! But the world deteriorated more and more... And now, the limit. The “good girl” sits and cries in the kitchen alone. Everyone is against her! Wiping her face with a napkin, the “good girl” recalls how once at the age of ten, when everything was still good and understandable, a terrible injustice occurred - her cat Fluff disappeared. She looked for him in all the surrounding yards, called and cried until dad said sternly that she “stop crying because of some cat!” And my mother said that there would be no more animals in their house, and suggested they drink tea and calm down. Then, at the New Year’s party, she was given a very small role, not like Katya. And mom, to console her, gave her two New Year’s sweet gifts and an even bigger chocolate bar. And in the tenth grade, the same Katka stole Igor (an excellent student and athlete from a parallel class) from such a “good girl.” Mom consoled the good girl for two hours in the kitchen, drinking tea and persuading her to eat at least a pie, and then for another week she spoiled her daughter with various goodies to somehow support her. And off it went... She, of course, graduated from the university and got a good job. But I was already studying without a spark, and the work was not particularly interesting. Meanwhile, the world had completely deteriorated! No one wanted to notice her correct, good soul, and more and more “goats” and “witches” came across her path, who strove to take all the “goats” away. And most importantly, no one acted honestly, but everyone somehow tried to deceive and betray such a “good girl.” The “good girl” sits in the kitchen, cries and eats everything she has prepared as usual. “Life has brought me here, I have no strength.” Maybe I’ll lose weight, become beautiful and everything will work out! I’ll be all as thin as that “witch” Katya, and men will rush at me even more than at her. When I become skinny, there will be nothing to complain about. I’ll be perfect, then I’ll show all these “goats”... I’ll go on a diet tomorrow! I will fight with myself until the bitter end!” The good girl thought so, ate another sausage and a pie for last. And she went to bed with the firm confidence of starting a diet tomorrow... or better yet, on Monday... Sometimes such a “good girl” appears in the soul of an ordinary woman and the world somehow immediately dims and deteriorates, and it is not clear what to do about it. Bring your “good girl” » to our SLIMMING classes. She will get slimmer and not turn into a “witch.” He will find his way to achieve any desired goals: harmony, love, joy... and whatever he wants. And also, for her or for him (sometimes the stronger half of humanity has a desire to develop) there are classes on developing and strengthening confident behavior: “A system of comfortable relationships in the family and at work” As a result of participating in the class, you will get a new look at the system of relationships between people. You will discover opportunities for making new contacts and improving the connections you already have. You will feel a surge of strength and confidence. “Get rid of the feelings of guilt and shame and live freely” The often incomprehensible and unfounded feeling that you are unworthy of the best poisons life and prevents you from achieving success in business and personal relationships. Do you want to get rid of unnecessary cargo? You can start with this lesson. “Female Charm” After completing this lesson, you will see in yourself the beauty and power of manifestations of female charm. You will meet an amazing and wise woman who lives in each of us. Open.
