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How to choose a psychologist? How can you tell whether you are a professional or a charlatan? In the course of his life, a person finds himself in critical situations. As a rule, it is difficult to find the answer to what is happening and what needs to be done to stop the problem. Then he begins to look for helpers, people who will help solve his situation in one way or another. People in helping professions are psychologists, doctors of traditional and non-traditional medicine, psychics, clairvoyants, magicians, healers, etc. There are such a huge number of directions, and how to deal with all this? Who will really help and who won't? How not to make a mistake and end up with a charlatan? But the most interesting thing is that each person has his own assistant. Humanity is constantly evolving. And evolution occurs in two ways: the path of the Father, that is, through enlightenment, awareness, self-improvement, and the path of the Mother - Matter, through suffering, that is, pain, illness, torment, etc. Both paths have the same right to exist. And only the Man himself chooses which path he goes. And on every road there is a “helper”. If a person is still “under the understanding”, that is, unreasonable, like a little child, does what he is told, then he goes to people who tell him, advise him what he needs to do in his life, what to drink and what to eat , with whom to communicate and with whom not. He doesn’t want to, or maybe he just doesn’t know how and can’t delve into his problem, he wants someone to solve it for him, and he looks for such a person, pays money and follows the advice. This is the path of Matter. The person does not delve into the essence of the problem at all, and always looks for someone to blame for what happened to him. He wants to deal with the culprits or “put them in their place”, for example, slip holy water to the “beloved” without his knowledge, or cut out an organ that, through its illness, tells the owner that he is doing something incorrect in life, etc. And relevant specialists help him with this. He doesn't want to take responsibility for his life, he constantly pushes it onto someone else. And such a person, if he gets to a specialist of a higher level of development than himself, will be perplexed and angry, why he is not given advice on what to do, why “for money” they force him to work, to strain his thinking, to realize something. He will demand prescriptions and guarantees for all his ailments. It will be very painful for him to tear himself away from his illusions and look the situation in the eyes, and then, having not received such a “pill,” he will call the assistance provided quackery and will look for “his” assistant, who will say what he wants and will correspond to his development and understanding... There is a category of people that evolves through self-improvement. This is a person who wants to understand what is happening to him, to change himself and his life attitudes in order for the situation to change for the better. Such a person is ready for new changes, he boldly faces difficulties and is responsible for his own difficult situations. He knows that only he created for himself the life in which he lives now. And on his way he meets specialists who, as a rule, show power - human power. Where a person himself can draw energy and strength to overcome a problem. Man comes to Earth for development and self-improvement. And for every person it is extremely important to see, realize and rethink what is happening to him. When a person is given advice on what to do, he is deprived of the opportunity to develop, he is deprived of his own strength, and this is a violation of Human Free Will. Highly qualified specialists create conditions and opportunities, expand a person’s worldview, as a result of which the person HIMSELF decides what and when to do with the information received. The concept of “charlatan” is very vague. For some, a person will be a good specialist, but for others, a “charlatan”. Everything depends on the development of a person, on what stage of evolution he stands at. If we take this medical aspect -allopathy and homeopathy. Many doctors of traditional allopathic medicine do not recognize homeopathy, call it quackery, etc. However, a huge number of people have overcome their problems thanks to homeopathy. Homeopathy works at the level of the information field, and treats the whole person, and not a separate organ, changing a person’s consciousness. But it happens that a person is not able to understand this, simply because he is “small”, it is difficult for him to change his worldview. How to explain the Pythagorean theorem to a first grader? If a person has a narrow-minded view and, apart from his one specialization, he sees and does not know anything, this does not mean that what is not included in his little world is quackery. On the contrary, the action of a doctor, healer or psychiatrist can be called quackery and deception if he simply prescribed a pill and did not explain to the Person what was happening to him, where in life he made a mistake, whom he offended or treated incorrectly, and as a result of which he got sick. What a person needs to realize in parallel with taking the pills is to let go of the disease. A person sees only what he knows! Sometimes you meet people who are called experts in a particular field, but in reality have nothing to do with it. They have a good tongue, they skillfully juggle words, and many people in need of help fall for this. But these “specialists” also contribute to the development of humanity. If a person turned to him for some questions and was deceived for a lot of money, then you can only smile and thank such a “specialist” - he taught a good lesson, and therefore contributed to the development of a person. A person attracts everything and everyone into his life to himself. If a Man has attracted a charlatan or a deceiver to himself, perhaps he himself behaves in a similar way in some area of ​​activity? Who knows what the surrounding World returns to him... Like attracts like. Only in this way, by giving us what is ours, Life shows where we are on the path of our development, where we committed incorrectness, and where we acted nobly. Nothing happens by chance. Everything that happens to a person is for his good. Before going, for example, to a psychologist, you can always first obtain a sufficient amount of information about him. When we go to a hairdresser or dentist, we will not turn to the first one we come across, but will make inquiries about them, look at the fruits of our work on other people, and only then will we make a decision. When the question comes about the Soul, for some reason there is no such careful selection. This is the age of the Internet. There is information available everywhere. If a specialist advertises himself on a website, as a rule, he places information about his education in the appropriate section. Many universities print lists of their certified and certified specialists. Even if there is no such list, you can always call a university, a specific school, etc. and learn about a specific person. If a Person moves from place to place, and nothing can be found about him, works without permits and certifications, perhaps you should think about whether you should go to him. Whenever you come to a person of a “helping” profession, look where you are going, where this person is receiving: in an office, a hotel or at home? What is the situation in this room? What is the energy like there? Do you want to go there or not? How is his personal life organized? If he didn’t help himself, then how will he help you? Talk to this person, how did you feel during the conversation, and how after? What was the very first thought that came to your mind when you saw this person? Even if you pay attention to these simple questions, you will receive a lot of information you need. And trust yourself first of all, your body will not deceive you, and it does not matter at all what others say about this person. Each person has his own life, his own savings, his own lessons. It’s time to move away from mass “spirituality” - where everyone went, so did I. The very word “spirituality” carries a very ambiguous meaning: the spirit is of Aries, that is, the spirit of the ram. It's time for a reasonable person to move away from.
