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School of Practical Psychology Andrey Fadeev Dirty legs of a pigStep 1 Once a pig was walking, Her legs were very dirty, She didn’t want to wash them, So she sat down on the bed. A cow came up to her: “Hey, move over, we’ll both sit down, we’ll sit together with you, we’ll remove the blanket.” It is very dirty, you dirty it. “Wait,” the pig said. - Let's wash the bedspread and sit on it again. It will be clean. But the cow didn't want to. - You're dirty, that's the point. The legs need to be washed, the bedspread must not be washed. You got it dirty and you've been sitting on it for a long time. Before we go home, we wipe our feet and then don’t stain our clean floor with dirt! Then the pig got offended and went for a walk alone. Step 2 The pig walked for a long time and got her feet dirty again. - I really want to eat, but I won’t forgive the cow. I’m going to visit the rooster, he’s cooking fish soup at home. She approached the hut, where the rooster was drinking tea from a mug. - Let me go home, we’ll eat fish soup with you. Come on in, pig, you are not alone today. There are many of us here, seven guests, all my forest friends. There is a squirrel, an owl, and a bear, he is the head. If you want, come and visit us, come to our table. There is another place, It’s already dark outside. The pig walked there for a long time, His legs were very dirty, But he didn’t want to wash them, It’s better to be dirty again. She walked up to the table and sat down, as if in a stable, with her legs lifted up on the table, where the conversation was being held. The animals won’t understand what to do, How can I explain to the guest - We don’t want to sit with the dirty one! Piggy's feet smell bad! How to tell her to leave, to go wash her feet. Here one of all the guests, the bravest sparrow, says: - get down into the trough, The table is set for others, For those who wash their feet themselves! “No, I won’t give up my seat,” the piggy says to this. “I sit the way it’s best for me.” I won’t go wash my feet, I’ll eat soup and then I’ll leave. He looks very angry, his hooves shine on the table. Dirt flows from them in a stream. There is no place at the table for those who sit correctly and talk to friends. Here a child runs out from the far corner. Everyone is well-groomed, washed, They are angry at the dirt. - We'll go for a walk for now! There's a pig sitting at the table! We don’t want to be with a dirty woman, we don’t want to talk to her about anything. Even small children Know that you don’t need to live in this world without friends. The sparrow tells them: “We don’t want to live without the piggy, and we tell her to wash herself, or else she will be left alone.” We don't need a dirty guy! Let her go to her home, We can live without her. Now we’ll kick out the pig, then we’ll all feel better. Then the pig says: “I don’t want to be alone.” You, friends, forgive me, don’t judge too harshly, I’m not used to washing my hooves myself, but for now I’ll take my feet off the table and then I’ll wash what I messed up, I’ll clean up what I dropped, and I’ll go wash my feet, I want to be friends with children. Don't scold me, I'm a good pig. And then she jumped up and washed everything after herself. The table became clean. And the animals began to gather in this cozy house. They don’t want to be left without friends, they can’t live. And they want to wash everyone’s feet. No more dirty piggy. She even washes her ears, Because she doesn’t want to be alone. Everyone is her friend now!
