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A symptom is always something better and a little less painful than reality. Paradoxically, it is a fact that no matter how unpleasant the consequences of a symptom, it allows you to avoid even more traumatic encounters with reality. The symptom improves reality, making it from unbearably uncertain to completely controllable due to the fact that you can build long-term relationships with the symptom and attract other people into these relationships. A symptom is a way to organize life around the negative that you have to fight and thus transfer life from a strategic plane to a tactical one. The good thing about a symptom is that the fight against it supports the same mechanism of pathogenesis that previously led to its appearance, and therefore the fight “against” actually turns into a fight “for”. An effective way to experience a symptom is to be able to look at it from a meta-position; in fact, the symptom itself is a violent invitation to see your life from this point of view. The key to understanding a symptom is in the situation that gives rise to it. The symptom intensifies the fear that is associated with the frustration of a significant need, making it so that this frustration and the experiences associated with it were no longer possible to ignore. But at the same time, the symptom is metaphorical enough to focus all attention on the inconvenience that arises in such a way that there is no possibility of returning to this initial frustration. The symptom simultaneously attracts attention to certain aspects of life and alienates one from being able to correct something within them. The symptom simultaneously exploits and does not provide the opportunity for further development of the meta-need that is involved in symptom formation. For example, with a high degree of narcissistic radicalism, the need for hypercontrol and the significance of achievements, the symptom can prevent the achievement of high results that guarantee security and recognition, while at the same time preserving itself by preventing falls and depreciation. A symptom is an existence in the middle register of experiences. A symptom exists as a stable pattern of response and the phenomenology of being of an individual, which slips past the unfolding of the mechanism of symptom formation, but is forced to chronically exist next to the consequences of this process. In other words, the symptom appears as if by itself and this type of response is not realized, while the experience of the consequences of the symptom and the inability to prevent it obsessively settle in the consciousness. A symptom is thus a gap in awareness, around which a “hotbed of inflammation” is formed in the form of anxiety and guilt. This “focus of inflammation”, due to the intensity of experiences before and after, creates a situation in which it becomes extremely difficult to stop and live the current state due to its elusiveness. And this keeps the symptom unchanged. Then the fight against the symptom is directed past the mechanism that fixes its pathogenetic pattern. The fight against a symptom is often associated with two opposite radicals - the need to control or the ability to ignore, to disconnect from what is happening. Both processes do not allow us to realize those aspects of relationships that appear in the situation and that mark unbearable experiences. In other words, if someone is afraid of blushing, then the task of coping with vegetative manifestations overrides the task of realizing what is happening in this situation and actually comes into conflict with it. Thus, fighting a symptom further alienates one from an experience that can be therapeutic. The question of liberation from a symptom is thus transferred from the plane of how to cope with the consequences of its presence in life to the plane of how to do so that it continues to remain necessary.
