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I present to your attention a table that I would like to address primarily to parents of teenagers. I hope that in it you will find the answer to one of the most important questions that arises in your mind as you approach your offspring's adolescence. Before this, the child studied well and did everything you planned, and maybe more, was very successful in his studies, you calm down and think about continuing the banquet, and then something wrong begins to happen. Until this age, his leading activity was academic activity to which both he and you, and the teachers devoted a lot of time and effort to organize and support it. If you carefully read the table, you will notice that two ages seem to fall out of the overall picture, in which the child’s activity is at the same time not just an activity , and his leading activity is what he should do according to his age in order to develop harmoniously. This is the beginning of life (up to 1 year) - life as a child and adolescence (from about 13 years old) - the beginning of a different, adult life. At both ages, the child’s leading activity is not the activity itself, not the activity itself, but communication. Communication between your son and a girl or your daughter with a friend is the most important thing that will happen during these 5 years of their life. In communication, a person is, as it were, born and mastered this world anew. Successful communication during periods when it becomes the leading activity is the key to successful activity in the following stages. According to domestic science, activity psychology, communication is a basic human need (the concept of M.I. Lisina), which manifests itself before other needs and on the satisfaction of which one’s life depends. It is no coincidence that overcoming any particular development crisis requires communication, the success of which opens up person, new opportunities for action, for activity. Activity and communication: their functions, significance for the mental development of a person Age, years of life Activity Communication Leading activity 0-1 Primary orientation in oneself and the world, adaptation to life outside the womb Direct emotional communication with adults (primarily with the mother) in social situation “we” (dependence) Direct emotional communication with the mother 1-3 Object-manipulative activity, adaptation to objects of the surrounding world (material world) Communication regarding the provision of object-manipulative activity, in a social situation of joint activity of a child and an adult (close environment) Object-based - manipulative activity 4-6 Playing activities in external and internal terms (story role-playing game) Communication with adults and peers in joint play activities with mastered subjects Play activities with the participation of peers and adults 7-12 Educational activities - mastering subjects of the abstract world Communication with teachers, peers, parents regarding educational activities Educational activities 13-16 Discovery of one’s own body, self-awareness, formation of self-concept Intimate and personal communication with peers and adults Intimate and personal communication with peers 17-20 and beyond Educational and professional activities, finding one’s place in life Professional and personal communication with mentors, friends, colleagues . Finding a life partner Educational and professional activities
